Results for 'Baroness Helena Kennedy'

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  1. Legal challenges in a changing world.Baroness Helena Kennedy - 2017 - In Steven Lecce, Neil McArthur & Arthur Schafer, Fragile Freedoms: The Global Struggle for Human Rights. New York: Oup Usa.
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    The baroness's committee and the president's council: Ambition and alienation in public bioethics.James Lindemann Nelson - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (3):251-267.
    : The President's Council on Bioethics has tried to make a distinctive contribution to the methodology of such public bodies in developing what it has styled a "richer bioethics." The Council's procedure contrasts with more modest methods of public bioethical deliberation employed by the United Kingdom's Warnock Committee. The practices of both bodies are held up against a backdrop of concerns about moral and political alienation, prompted by the limitations of moral reasoning and by moral dissent from state policy under (...)
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    The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life.Susan Mendus (ed.) - 2000 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life _Susan Mendus gathers a group of distinguished public figures—philosophers, historians, lawyers, and religious leaders—to reflect on a core issue within contemporary political debate. At the close of a century that will be remembered for its two world wars and its eruptions of genocide, the contributors examine the importance of an insistence on tolerance and the dangers of its lack, both historically and in the present day. How can toleration be fostered in a (...)
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    A edificação modélica do professor cidadão: A imprensa (in)formando um discurso sobre ser docente.Maria Helena Gamara Bastos - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):159-163.
    Este texto reflete sobre alguns resultados da pesquisa - Imprensa Periódica e Pedagógica do Rio Grande do Sul: análise de discursos e práticas educativas. Enfoca a imprensa como dispositivo de orientação - intelectual e moral - do magistério, ou seja, de formação contínua de professores como autênticos cidadãos trabalhadores. Analisa a produção de uma retórica laudatória de idealização da docência, que não se traduz numa melhora da situação socioeconômica dos professores.
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    A Conversation with Comics Not Otherwise Specified.Miranda J. Brady, Kennedy L. Ryan, Margaret Janse Van Rensburg, Kelly Fritsch & Comics Not Otherwise Specified - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (2):498-517.
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    Trading Places: What the Research Participant Can Tell the Investigator about Informed Consent.Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (8).
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  7. Thinking for Oneself and with Others.David Kennedy - 2000 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 20 (1):40-45.
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    (2 other versions)How Association Matters for Distributive Justice.Helena de Bres - 2014 - New Content is Available for Journal of Moral Philosophy 13 (2):161-186.
    _ Source: _Page Count 26 Under which conditions does the relation between the levels of benefit and burden held by distinct individuals become a concern of justice? Associativists argue that principles of comparative distributive justice apply only among those persons who share some form of association; humanists argue that some such principles apply among all human persons qua human persons. According to the “weak associativist” account that I defend, humanism is wrong, but so are current versions of associativism. Association is (...)
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    The number system of arithmetic and algebra.David Kennedy Picken - 1923 - Melbourne,: Melbourne university press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  10. Descobertas Arqueológicas.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1964 - Humanitas 15.
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  11. Representação da «Antígona» de Sófocles pelo Teatro dos Estudantes da Universidade de Coimbra.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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  12. Direito à procriação e as técnicas de reprodução assistida.Heloísa Helena Barboza - 2004 - In Eduardo de Oliveira Leite & Adriana Cristine Arent, Grandes temas da atualidade: bioética e biodireito. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense.
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  13. Bocage eo legado clássico.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1967 - Humanitas 19.
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  14. Congresso Histórico de Portugal Medievo, em Braga.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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  15. Philosophy for Children in China:: A Late Preliminary Anti-Report.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2002 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 22 (1):37-49.
    At the very least, even though Chinese schools do not look very different from those in the West, China offers an opportunity for Philosophy for Children to question its basis, its methodology, its aims. It seems to be expressing a different cultural voice, and to be disposed to the kind of dialogue we are more used to claiming than practicing. Both Kunming and Shanghai provide, in their own ways, formidable contexts: the deep, strong and disciplined educators of Railway Station School (...)
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    (1 other version)An Ontology of Trash: The Disposable and its Problematic Nature.Greg Kennedy - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    A philosophical exploration of the problematic nature of the disposable.
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    Gert Biesta and philosophical work with children.Walter Omar Kohan & David Kennedy - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
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    Requests for Assisted Suicide: a nursing issue.Beverly Kopala & Susan Lorraine Kennedy - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (1):16-26.
    At the heart of the debate over assisted suicide is the recognition that not all persons can be healed and not all suffering can be relieved. This article addresses the ethical, professional and legal issues to be considered by the nurses in the United States who are facing patients’ requests for assisted suicide. Both personal and professional risks, and the consequences of an action must be evaluated. Ultimately, a decision is based on some ranking of: patient values; personal values and (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche: The Gospel of Superman, the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.Henri Lichtenberger & John Mcfarland Kennedy - 1910
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    Being a male nurse in Portugal during Salazar’s dictatorship.Helena da Silva - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (2):176-185.
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    Introduction.Helena de Preester - 2004 - Philosophica 73 (1).
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    The Astrological History of Māshā' allāhThe Astrological History of Masha' allah.P. Kunitzsch, E. S. Kennedy & David Pingree - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):565.
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  23. The universal treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt.Leonard A. Nicolaus, Richard E. Kennedy, Arthur E. Arnold & Millward - 1971 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
  24. Revistas novas.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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    The Community of Inquiry and Educational Structure.David Kennedy - 1991 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 9 (4):20-23.
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    Orationis Ratio: The Stylistic Theories and Practice of the Roman Orators, Historians, and Philosophers.George Kennedy & A. D. Leeman - 1966 - American Journal of Philology 87 (2):237.
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  27. On Applications of Transfer Principles in Model Theory.Juliette Kennedy & Jouko Vaananen - 2007 - In Alessandro Andretta, On Applications of Transfer Principles in Model Theory. Quaderni di Matematica.
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    The rules-standards debate and Ontario Civil Procedure reform: a case for more rules?Gerard J. Kennedy - 2022 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 47 (1).
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    Effects of Concomitant Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants Long-Term Use on Social Decision-Making: Results From the Ultimatum Game.Carina Fernandes, Helena Garcez, Senanur Balaban, Fernando Barbosa, Mariana R. Pereira, Celeste Silveira, João Marques-Teixeira & Ana R. Gonçalves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Benzodiazepines and antidepressants have been shown to change responses to unfairness; however, the effects of their combined use on unfairness evaluation are unknown. This study examines the effects of concomitant benzodiazepines and antidepressants long-term use on the evaluation of fair and unfair offers. To analyze behavioral changes on responses to unfairness, we compared the performance of medicated participants and healthy controls in the Ultimatum Game, both in the proposer and in the respondent role. The results showed that long-term psychotropic users (...)
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  30. Philosophy schools across Australia.Liz Fynes-Clinton Kate Kennedy White, Jill Howells Lynne Hinton, Daniel Smith Emmanuel Skoutas & Matthew Wills - 2018 - In Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton, Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The development of an inquiring society in Australia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
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    A Greek Critic: Demetrius on Style.George Kennedy & G. M. A. Grube - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (3):313.
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    (Anti) Gender Studies and Populist movements in Europe.Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy & Ulrika Dahl - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):282-284.
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    Avant-Garde Meat.Jake Kennedy - 2002 - Film-Philosophy 6 (2).
    Stephen Barber _Artaud: The Screaming Body_ London: Creation Books, 1999 ISBN 1840680091 126 pp.
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    Antirealism, Meaning and Truth-Conditional Semantics.Neil Kennedy - 2012 - In Mathieu Marion, Shahid Rahman & Laurent Keiff, The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics. pp. 119-140.
    In this paper, I re-examine Dummett's arguments against realism and, most notably, those against truth conditional semantics. Dummett claims that a (realist) truth conditional meaning theory will invariably encounter limitations when accounting for the meanings of the statements of the so-called "disputed class", and so must be rejected in favour of a theory of meaning couched in terms of proof or verification. The first part of this paper seeks to faithfully reconstruct Dummett's position on meaning. The subsequent parts are critical (...)
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  35. Anticipations of Postmodernist Enlightenment Epistemology.Emmet Kennedy - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 58:105-122.
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    A Study of Psalm 72 by Rev. Roland E. Murphy.Mark Kennedy - 1949 - Franciscan Studies 9 (3):314-319.
  37. A social psychological interpretation of the hermeneutic of suspicion in contemporary American legal thought.Duncan Kennedy - 2017 - In Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins, Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    Bessarion’s date of birth: a new assessment of the evidence.Scott Kennedy - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (3):641-658.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 111 Heft: 3 Seiten: 641-658.
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    Books of Interest.Michael Kennedy - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (3):356-362.
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  40. Breaking the shackles of research.Gabrielle Kennedy - 2020 - In In/search re/search: imagining scenarios through art and design. Amsterdam: Sandberg Instituut.
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    Curiosity and the Integrated Self.Thomas D. Kennedy - 2001 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 4 (4):33-54.
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    Case conference: strive officiously to keep alive.I. Kennedy - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (1):49-50.
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    Card Games, Roughhousing, Traffic Jams & Thunderstorms.David Kennedy - 2003 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 16 (4):33-36.
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    Comment on professor Bernstein's paper, "John Dewey's metaphysics of experience".Gail Kennedy - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (1):14-21.
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    Canons of Style in the Antonine Age: Idea-Theory and Its Literary Context (review).George A. Kennedy - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):658-661.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:...
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    Christopher O. Tollefsen, Lying and Christian Ethics.Robert Kennedy - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (1):121-126.
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    Civil Society: History and Possibilities.James Kennedy - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (2):238-241.
  48. 2 contributions to aristotelian studies.Ga Kennedy - 1990 - American Journal of Philology 111 (1):86-91.
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    Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political Thought From Antiquity to the Middle Ages.Geoff Kennedy - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):304-318.
    This article seeks to contextualise Ellen Meiksins Wood’s recent survey of classical and medieval political thought within the context of some of the prevailing approaches to the history of political thought. After an initial elaboration of Wood’s ‘political-Marxist’ approach to issues of historical development and contextualisation, I emphasise what is significant about Wood’s specific contribution to the study of Greek, Roman and medieval political ideas in particular, as well as to the history of political thought in general.
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  50. Definition in the Philosophy of Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina.Kiki Kennedy-day - 1995 - Dissertation, New York University
    In this dissertation we observe the diachronic development of certain vocabulary items which form the basis of discourse in Islamic philosophy in the Arabic language. Using a set of philosophical terms from al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina we analyze the use of each term, first individually and then comparatively. To examine philosophical terms in their natural setting, we will look at the philosophers' own definitions of these terms. Thus, we observe how definitions and their use change over two centuries, both (...)
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